Posted by mrsdevlinsclass | Posted in Class Journal | Posted on January 20, 2010

Dear Families,

Today was a very busy busy day! We had lots of fun getting our imaginary person ready for school. We talked about how it was important to look our very best! We are going to try and surprise you and be ready for school. We know that we need to wash our face, brush our teeth, brush our hair and put clean clothes on!  In math today, we were looking at the sizes of dinosaurs and were working on covering a picture of a dinosaur without leaving any spaces on the page. We also used our learning carpet. We were working on placing numbers to 100 and figuring out where the stuffed pterodactyl was flying! It was so much fun.  In the computer lab, we met with our learning buddies and shared our photostories with them! We worked really hard!


Grade One

Comments (2)


Thanks a lot Mrs Devlin. I believe it’s a huge help for Grade 1 moms.

Batman’s Mom

Hi Grade Ones,
You have been working so hard on your dinosaurs! I have really enjoyed seeing the math you have done to find out how big your dinosaurs are!
Mrs. Devlin is really working hard as well to learn more about using the docu camera to support all the learning going on in your classroom. It’s great to see that everyone keeps learning all the time!!
Even though it’s very cold and snowy out today, I know that you are keeping warm and working hard in your classroom.
Soon it will be a 100 days of school we have finished!
Keep up the good work!
Mrs. MacDonald

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