Hi Moms! Hi Dads!


Posted by mrsdevlinsclass | Posted in Class Journal | Posted on October 5, 2009

We have fun in grade one. We do lots of work. We learned that trees grow. We learned about the alphabet. We learned about trees. We know that you are going to learn about blogging and writing us messages. We all want to read a message tomorrow. Here is some advice from us of how to leave a good message:

  1. Put lots of writing it makes it more interesting.
  2. Don’t use our names, use our Internet names. (Don’t worry we will change them if you forget!)
  3. Sign your name as my nickname plus mom or dad!
  4. Use uppercase letters in the right spots.
  5. Periods go at the end of your sentence.
  6. You can ask us a question too! We like answering them.
  7. We hope you have fun. 😀

Comments (9)

Hi Denali,
I hope you’re enjoying your school. Soon you will learn how to read and write. I know you’re excited to learn so you can read all the princess story book. You should always be nice so you gain more friends. Living in a new place is very hard specially for you, who used to have all the attention, you are the baby of the family. Thank you for understanding our situation right now. If there are nights that I’m away for work, and papa can’t be with you on days, always remember that mama and papa loves you so much, mama and papa is working hard to give you a good future. Always be good, and always respect and follow Mrs. Devlin. She will going to be your mom when you’re at school. So give her the love and the respect that you’re giving me, ok.

Denali’s mom

Thank you Mom. I love you too! See you after school.

Hi Lava Girl,

We missed you today. I hope you are feeling better. We had lots of fun learning about blogs. What is your favourite fall colour?


Hi, It was fun to be in the blog class and learn as a student.Its always good to learn something new at any stage.Good job by school staff.Keep it up.

Hi Grade Ones,

Learning is always fun and I am enjoying my lesson of using Grade 1 blog. It’s cool!

Hi boys and girls,
It was great to see some of your mothers out at the school last night to learn about our blog!
Hope we get lots of parents writing to you about your blog site.
Keep up the great work Mrs. Devlin!!
Ms. MacDonald

Hi there,

It’s a great pleasure to visit this blog.
I’d happy to communicate through this site, and I’ll let the daddy of speedy girl in my country know this site so that he could see how she’s doing all the time.

Hi Mrs. Devlin!
The class on blogging was interesting and educative.Now I willl be FLASHING this message to send blogs to your class………..Carry on.

Hello Spiderman.

It is good to hear that you are learning about how trees grow and also the alphabet.First i would like to apologise to Mrs Devlin for missing the family blogging night, it totally slipped my mind. I would also like to thank her for allowing me get Spiderman’s Sister’s picture first. Spiderman, please remember to bring your spelling sheet so we can practice them at home. Keep us updated on what else you are doing in Grade 1. I would also like to see some pictures posted on the blog.

Love you

Spiderman’s Mom

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