Reminders for Families!


Posted by mrsdevlinsclass | Posted in Information for Families | Posted on November 16, 2009

Today there were three notes in your child’s backpack. The November news update came home with a request to send information and photos of your child to help with Our Class Story! On the right side of the screen you can read the news. Today you will also find the form to request your conference time. Please send this in no later than November 23 because teachers will be scheduling over the noon hour.  The final note is for special lunch orders, which have a very short time to return to the school. All orders need to be in by Wednesday morning. The school will accept money until Friday, if you need additional time to pay.  Sorry about the short notice, there was a mix up in the office.

Please leave a message or phone the school if you have any questions!


Mrs. Devlin

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