Our Earth Needs Your Help!


Posted by mrsdevlinsclass | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 24, 2016

May 24, 2016

Dear Harrow Families,

Harrow! Help! We need to save our Earth. It is in trouble. We must shrink our foot print. When we shrink our foot print the Earth will be a better place for our children’s children.

You can save the water by turning off the top when you are brushing your teeth. You can take a shower instead of a bath. When you are washing dishes or clothing in machines you can make sure the loads are full. When it rains you can collect the rain water to water your plants.

You can keep our air clean by NOT SMOKING!  You can sort your garbage by recycling some, composting some and even better, thinking of a way you can re-use something. Instead of driving a car you could walk or take a bus.

We are hoping you can help us spread our message to the world. Can you comment and share your ideas too? We can’t wait to hear your ideas.


The Amazing Children in Grade 2

Comments (1)

I am so proud of the work you are doing to be leaders in saving our Earth! keep learning and keep telling others what you have learned so we can all do our part to help keep the Earth clean.
Well done Grade 2!

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